Il cambiamento climatico IMPATTA SU DI NOI ORA, non è una minaccia distante
[CzzC: Sono propenso a credere, pur senza eccessivi allarmismi, che siamo in un periodo di riscaldamento globale del pianeta e continuerò a crederlo finché vedrò diminuire i nostri ghiacciai ... continua]
[Pagina senza pretese di esaustività o imparzialità, modificata 19/03/2019; col colore grigio distinguo i miei commenti rispetto al testo attinto da altri]
Pagine correlate: surriscaldamento, ghiacciai, Laudato si’
↑2014.05.06 Ricevo da The White House
Da: Dr. J.P.H., The White House Inviato:
martedì 6 maggio 2014 20:46
A: CzzC
Oggetto: The most comprehensive look yet at climate change
Hi, everyone --
Today, we released the third National Climate Assessment report, by far the most comprehensive look ever at climate change impacts in the United States.
Based on four years of work by hundreds of experts from government, academia, corporations, and public-interest organizations, the Assessment confirms abundant data and examples that climate change isn't some distant threat -- it's affecting us now.
Not only are the planet and the nation warming on average, but a number of types of extreme weather events linked to climate change have become more frequent or intense in many regions, including heat waves, droughts, heavy downpours, floods, and some kinds of destructive storms.
Those steps include, importantly, the three sets of actions making up the Climate Action Plan that President Obama announced last June: cutting carbon pollution in America; increasing preparedness for and resilience to the changes in climate that already are ongoing; and leading the international response to the climate change challenge.
We've made great progress in the year since his announcement -- but there's much more work to be done.
Thank you,
Dr. John P. Holdren
Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy
The White House
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